
Max Molz ' 18 joins the San Francisco 49ers as coaching operations assistant

by 布莱恩·纳瓦罗10岁,数字媒体总监,校友参与 & 事件| 2023年10月5日

He does a little bit of anything and everything for the San Francisco 49ers, except the X’s and O’s.

In fact, it’s more like two other letters: “I help people get from A to B.”

Max Molz ' 18 is a new coaching operations assistant with the San Francisco 49ers. His duties include all the behind-the-scenes work essential to a sports organization. 这通常意味着他在管理日历, 位置, 还有球员和教练组的后勤.

“我现在就像海绵一样,”莫尔兹说. “A lot will be new to me considering I’m joining a new team, but I’m prepared to serve where I can. That’s my mindset, and I carry that with me daily. I’m motivated every day to do my job at a high level and help everyone around me reach our unified goals.”

Max Molz on the field at the Las Vegas Raiders' stadium
Max Molz on the field at the Las Vegas Raiders' stadium. / 图片由旧金山49人提供

During the season it’s usually 12- to 14-hour days, arriving at 49ers headquarters around 6 a.m. On gamedays, he’s on the sidelines amidst the cavalry of staff, coaches, and towering athletes.

“It’s been a great experience, I feel fortunate. The group here has been here for quite some time and I’m a new face in the building. The organization is run extremely well and there are a lot of 真正的ly good people here. 我得提升自我. 确保我每天都在点上.”


Max Molz lifts a hose before a baseball game at Saint Mary's Stadium
2016年圣玛丽队比赛前的马克斯·莫尔兹. / 图片由圣玛丽体育学院提供

Before he was a new face at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, he was the same do-it-all type at Louis Guisto 场 in Moraga.

Molz was a student manager for the Saint Mary’s baseball team for four years. He managed relationships and operational duties with external stakeholders on behalf of the baseball team while facilitating gameday event operations and coordinating with opposing teams. 

“这是我做过的最好的决定之一. I learned a lot about how to be a coach and what an operations coordinator needs to be doing.”

他承认这涉及到很多平凡的事情, 看不见的工作——设置棒球练习场, 准备场地, 确保设备在正确的位置. 为45名饥肠辘辘的运动员订餐. 帮对方洗衣服.

你知道, 真正的 迷人的东西.

他吸收了主教练所设定的文化 Eric Valenzuela,他 今年夏天回来了 领导盖尔人的棒球项目.

V教练扭转了SMC的棒球命运, leading the team to a WCC Championship and its first-ever 2016年NCAA地区出场 当莫尔兹上大二的时候.

“For me, Coach V is an influential person in my life. 我很感激他给了我这个机会. My role as manager was a foundation for how I see the way I am. 我从小就被教导要帮助和服务他人. 这与我的生活方式有关. I enjoy helping people 真正的ize their potential and experience success.”

Max Molz (center) in the dugout during a NCAA Regional in 2016
Max Molz, center, in the dugout during a NCAA Regional game vs. 2016年海军 图片由圣玛丽体育学院提供


让我们回到更早的时候. In his first semester, Molz, like all freshmen, was enrolled in 第一年顾问小组. 他的教授是 弗朗西斯·斯威尼,86年,博士 谁被证明是终身导师.

她在第一天提供的指导. She gave me a lot of great wisdom and things to consider. And she introduced me to the pride the love the Gael 校友 community has. 直到今天我还能感觉到.”

Gratitude and news: a handwritten note to mentor Frances Sweeney ’86 / 图片由Frances Sweeney提供

确实如此, Molz mailed Sweeney a handwritten note along with his new red and gold business card when he started his role with the 49ers.

“Max cares about relationships and gratitude,” said Sweeney. “I think his time here and all that he did across areas not just in one category, and his ability to reach out and try new things—that is what we want Gaels to do! 带着尊重,质量和品位去做. 他追求自己的梦想!”

“I think what makes Saint Mary’s a special place,莫尔兹说。, “is what you hear going into the experience as an undergrad ends up being true. The alumni bond is strong—they look to take care of you. 你建立的关系会持续很长时间.”


Go back even further and find even deeper career connections.

Molz and his three younger brothers were always playing sports year-round. “Our exposure to sports made me love competing and team environments. Those pressurized, high-intensity moments—I love those situations.”

专业的例子也在家里. Molz’s father coached football at Foothill High School in Pleasanton. His mother assisted with event management at Ballistic United 足球 Club.

他知道自己想投身体育运动, but he didn’t consider the world of operations and logistics as a career until later on.

“我已经准备好为我能服务的地方服务. That’s my mindset, and I carry that with me daily. I’m motivated every day to do my job at a high level and help everyone around me reach our unified goals.”


After graduating from Saint Mary’s with a degree in Political Science and double-minoring in English and Spanish studies, Molz attended graduate school at the University of Missouri-Columbia, earning a master’s degree in positive coaching and athletic administration. He joined the Tigers football program as a graduate assistant, eventually becoming their full-time associate director of football operations.

This March, he accepted the role with the 49ers, just before the NFL draft.

Now at a team that’s a top contender to win the Super Bowl and a top-notch sports organization, 这是一场完全不同的比赛.

“I love it because everyone around me operates at a very high level. I’m developing skills that I can keep building upon and take with me in a lot of ways. I love this career path, and I am enjoying the process.

“I’m embracing the now, and the current goal and focus: have the best season we can in 2023.”

Max Molz在49人队训练
2023年,马克斯·莫尔兹(右)在49人队的训练现场. / 图片由旧金山49人提供

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